1550 Alberni Street, Vancouver BC - Sam Grayli Realtor®

1550 Alberni Street, Vancouver BC

SOLD $2,075,900
  • 2 BED
  • 1 BATH
  • 997 Sq ft
  • Apartment/Condo
  • Address: 1550 Alberni Street, Vancouver BC
  • Postal Code: V6G 2Z6
  • Listed By: TRG Residential Downtown Rlty
  • Year Built: 2020
  • Parking: 1
  • Amenities:

    Extensive moss garden, swimming pool, Japanese restaurant

Shaped by its environment, this beautiful 43-storey tower has a very unique and stunning architecture. The silhouette changes constantly and the details are all in the carvings. Intricacy is what sets this apart from the other architectures out there. There is experience and comfort latching on luxury. We’re excited for people to call this their home.

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