Anna & Jojo Valaroa - Sam Grayli Realtor®

Anna & Jojo Valaroa

We first met Sam over 6 years ago, when he answered our ad on a condo unit we wanted to rent out for the winter olympics. Sam found us our tenant and the transaction went very well. Since then, we have worked with him on all our property dealings, from finding tenants for our rental unit to helping us buy or sell properties.
As our real estate agent, Sam is not just very knowledgeable of the the real estate market, but also, always looks after our best interests. He provides us with valuable advice, allowing us to make wise decisions. He is very easy to deal with, stays humble in spite of his success, and always does his best to please his clients. every now and then, we get approached by other real estate agents, seeking to represent us. We see no reason to do so –  we are very happy with Sam.

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